Cross Media and Cross Media Services by Dashwood Consulting

Cross Media is about using multiple integrated channels of communication to ensure that the recipient receives relevant messages that they want, the way that they want to receive them.

These communication channels may be printed or electronic media or a combination of both.

Cross Media direct marketing solutions can send information out to a single or numerous channels. Information can be blasted to all via various methods, pushed out to selective cross media channels based on customers' preferences and previous behaviour, or can allow users to pull their information from a choice of integrated communications channels.

Alternatively, the campaign can be setup to best use a number of integrated channels for different phases of the campaign. For example:

  • a direct mail letter to introduce the product/service
  • which may contain (or be followed up by another piece containing) a customised campaign based url, or better still a personalised url (pURL) that points to a personalised landing page
  • this could then be followed up by an email, or a phased email campaign hitting those that respond or not with different messages
...and of course all of this is fully targeted and personalised to the recipient. Everybody is time poor (or at least don't want to waste time). People expect to be hit with marketing messages, however most only want to be hit with messages that are relevant to them. The message that is sent through these integrated channels needs to be relevant, otherwise it will be ignored. It's all about relevancy.

The integration of these channels is key to the success of cross media. It may seem obvious, but different recipients respond to different channels differently.

If a marketing campaign was totally focused on email, yet a majority of the target audience didn't respond well to email, then the campaign could be shot (or at least not get the response expected). But the same goes for a campaign that relies completely on traditional direct marketing through the mail. Even though the cost per item is significantly greater than an email, there are many studies that show a physical piece of mail in your hand has a significantly greater chance of eliciting a response than an email campaign typically does alone...however what if your audience prefers email, what if they prefer web, SMS, fax...

Dashwood Consulting has been built on significant experience from the past two decades working around the world with companies such as the above and those that need to generate high volume transaction output. This output can be printed or electronic, where electronic delivery opens us into cross media, which can be by way of email (either attached or with a link), electronic bill presentment on the web, by fax, even to your phone by way of WML/WAP/Mobile web, or simple SMS.

Dashwood Consulting directly facilitates and works with a small number of carefully selected service providers to allow your marketing success to be achieved.

Please click here to contact us or go to the Dashwood Consulting site to see this and the other services we are able to provide for you.

For those wanting a bit more about cross media, there are numerous local, regional, and global companies involved in this new approach to communicating with customers more effectively.

Hardware vendors involved in Cross Media include:

Software vendors involved in Cross Media include:

However it's not just the vendors. InfoTrends announced that they will have a Cross Media marketing track at the Publishing Xchange Conference (click for full article).

Please click here to contact us or go to the Dashwood Consulting site to see this and the other services we are able to provide for you.